Links In: Cave Photography |
| Cave Photography Aids Electronic equipment for cave photography, including information on slaves and electronic flash units.
Visits: 2386 | Date Added: Sunday, October 7, 2001 |
| Cave Photography Salon Review This is a review of material obtained at the NSS convention in Salida, Colorado 1996. There is some assumption that people are familiar with photographic terminology and equipment. Although any camera with a flash could be used in cave photography, this lecture was geared toward salon quality photos.
Visits: 2359 | Date Added: Sunday, October 7, 2001 |
| Caving Technology Website This site is dedicated to detailed information about technology used in cave exploration. It contains info on lighting, battery technology, wetsuits, and vertical gear as well as photography info.
Visits: 2387 | Date Added: Tuesday, October 9, 2001 |
| Dark Light Images A gallery of cave images
Visits: 2405 | Date Added: Sunday, October 7, 2001 |
| David Gibson's Slave Units Direct link to David's site where you can purchase his latest slave units. Excellent devices.
Visits: 2464 | Date Added: Saturday, November 22, 2003 |
| Footleg's Cave Photography Gallery These pages show some of my underground photography over the past 12 years. I continue to take new pictures on a regular basis, and will try and get some of my more recent photographs up here in the near future. In addition to my own photography, I am one of the founders of the Cave Photography Group in the UK, and currently edit the newsletters for the group.
Visits: 2367 | Date Added: Monday, October 8, 2001 |
| Innermost Imagery Innermost Imagery is primarily a cave photography web site. This site represents many types and aspects of caving from a variety of regions.
Visits: 2320 | Date Added: Sunday, October 7, 2001 |
| NSS Cave Photography Section In 1983 the Cave Photography Section of the National Speleological Society was founded to foster communication and camaraderie among those of the underground persuasion who wallow in mud and cold water in the pursuit of the perfect photograph.
Visits: 2396 | Date Added: Monday, October 8, 2001 |